
What to Expect When Fly-in Fishing in Saskatchewan

August 3, 2023

Luke Clayton

Luke Clayton

There’s something special about fly-in fishing in Saskatchewan, Canada, at a remote lake. From the instant the float plane touches the water until your trip ends, you are in a wilderness that will keep calling you back. Whether you are casting a spoon to a giant northern pike, back trolling a ‘harness rig’ for walleye that have never seen a hook or dropping big jigs down to trophy lake trout you are in fishermen’s heaven.

fly-in fishing in Saskatchewan

What Fly-in Fishing in Saskatchewan Has To Offer 

With over 100,000 lakes to choose from, finding the best fly-in spot is a matter of deciding what amenities and fish you want. Some lakes are known for giant northern pike and lake trout; others for walleye, arctic grayling, whitefish, burbot, and even yellow perch. Some locations feature guides, meal plans and lodgings, while others like Iskwatikan Lake Lodge are perfect for a DIY angler. 


fly-in fishing in Saskatchewan

Travelling To Your Fly-in Fishing Destination 

The logistics involved in traveling to one of these fly-in fishing camps can seem tricky, but with some basic information, getting there is easy. Start by booking a flight to one of the northern Canadian hub cities like Saskatoon: Most flights connect through Calgary, Alberta or Minneapolis–St. Paul airport. Getting from these hubs to camp requires directions from the fishing outfitter. Some destinations, such as Iskwatikan, necessitate driving a rental car to the float plane destination, though most outfitters incorporate the cost of the float plane trip into their package.

Cooking while fly-in fishing in Saskatchewan

The Cost for a Fly-in Fishing Trip 

Costs vary with amenities available at the camps. Full-service camps with meals and guides average between $4,000-5,000. The cost is reduced for DIY anglers; for example, Iskwatikan Lake Lodge currently charges about $1,250. The first time I visited Iskwatikan I was hesitant about fishing on my own, but with a few tips about where to fish and what lures to throw, I was catching fish like I knew what I was doing!  

For more information about fishing up north contact the Saskatchewan Department of Tourism. They have a list of outfitters and are great for planning your trip to this outdoor paradise.

Luke is a hunting/shooting columnist for Texas Wildlife Magazine and writes regular features for several other outdoor magazines including Airgun Hobbyist where he is Hunting Editor. With 37 years of outdoor writing experience under his belt, he has no intention on slowing down anytime soon. He continues to love the lifestyle that has been consistently so fullfilling.

You can keep up with Luke’s outdoor adventures by tuning into Catfish Radio where he is a co-host or watching A Sportsman’s Life on CarbonTV which features Luke as a co-producer.

Learn how to hand tie your own fishing flies on iSportsmanUSA.


Best Reels for Freshwater Fishing 728x90 3.7.25

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