
Discover Alligator Hunting at Fort Stewart

June 21, 2024

iSportsman Staff

iSportsman Staff

Tucked away in the landscapes of southeastern Georgia, Fort Stewart offers an unique adventure for outdoor enthusiasts: alligator hunting. This opportunity combines the rich history of the area with the excitement of one of the most challenging hunts available in North America. Fort Stewart’s alligator hunting program provides a thrilling and sustainable way to engage with wildlife.

A Historic and Ecological Treasure

Fort Stewart, the largest Army installation east of the Mississippi River, spans over 279,270 acres of diverse ecosystems, including swamps, marshes, and rivers. This rich habitat supports a robust population of American alligators, making it an ideal location for hunting these formidable reptiles. The alligator hunt at Fort Stewart is not only about the pursuit of game but also about participating in the stewardship of the land. Managed hunting helps maintain the ecological balance, ensuring that the alligator population remains healthy and sustainable.

Alligator Hunting: An Unforgettable Experience

alligator hunting

Alligator hunting at Fort Stewart is an experience like no other — hunters are selected through the annual Zone 8A lottery system, ensuring a controlled and sustainable harvest. Once selected, hunters can participate during the designated season, which typically runs from late summer to early fall (this timing coincides with the alligators’ active period, increasing the chances of a successful hunt).

Preparation and Safety

Before embarking on the hunt, hunters are encouraged to familiarize themselves with the terrain and the behavior of alligators to enhance their experience. Safety is paramount in alligator hunting. Hunters are required to have appropriate licenses and permits, and they must adhere to strict guidelines to ensure a safe and ethical hunt. For more in-depth information on alligator hunting season and regulations, head to the Georgia Department of Natural Resources website.

The Rewards of Alligator Hunting

Successfully harvesting an alligator is a rewarding experience. Hunters can expect to encounter alligators of varying sizes, with some reaching lengths of over 10 feet. The meat from the alligator is a delicacy, known for its unique flavor and versatility in cooking. Additionally, the hide can be used to create high-quality leather products, providing a tangible memento of the hunt.

For those seeking a challenging outdoor adventure, alligator hunting at Fort Stewart offers an extraordinary opportunity.

To participate in Fort Stewart’s alligator hunting program, visit their website for more information on the application process, orientation sessions, and hunting regulations. Embrace the challenge, respect the environment, and experience the thrill of hunting one of North America’s most formidable predators.


Alligator hunting at Fort Stewart is more than just a hunt; it’s a journey into the heart of Georgia’s wild landscapes, a test of skill and perseverance, and a commitment to conservation. Head to Fort Stewart for an adventure that promises excitement, challenge, and a deep connection to nature.

Read some of our alligator hunting tips on iSportsmanUSA.


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