Understanding Albino Deer and Hunting Regulations
September 5, 2024 •iSportsman Staff
Southwick Associates, a leading market research and statistics agency specializing in hunting, shooting, sportfishing and outdoor recreation markets released their annual 2020 report on hunting, shooting and sportfishing markets in early June. Given the unprecedented changes in the outdoor market spurred on by the COVID-19 pandemic and other monumental factors, the 2020 Hunting, Shooting and Sportfishing Market reports reflect both the downfalls and highlights of the market during the past year while providing insights as to how to move forward in this new terrain.
“2020 presented many business challenges that both spiked and suppressed sales,” said Nancy Bacon, vice president at Southwick Associates. “COVID-19 and social issues drove demand to all-time highs. Simultaneously, the same factors resulted in depleted wholesale and retail inventories, closed factories, shortage of materials and backed-up ports, causing significant supply pressures. These new market size reports are designed to help businesses better understand the new operating world.”
The hunting and shooting report lists more than 100 related products broken down by action type, caliber/gauge and the primary purpose for purchase. While the fishing report includes 36 categories from rods to lures for both freshwater and saltwater use.
Overall, Southwick Associates showed a market-wide increase which started slowly in the first quarter and rapidly developed throughout the year experiencing growth exceeding 60 percent in the firearms and ammunition retail units and dollar sales estimates. Other categories, including hunting accessories and fishing tackle, witnessed a similar 55-percent increase.
The detailed breakdown of the $10 billion fishing tackle market and the $24 billion firearm, hunting and recreational shooting market can be purchased from Southwick Associates.