A Delicious Wild Duck Verde Stew Recipe
March 5, 2025 •iSportsman Staff
It’s the week after the 4th of July, either you’re physically on vacation or mentally. We know the feeling — and with early deer season just around the corner it may be hard to think about anything else. To scratch the wildlife itch and help you look busy at your work desk we rounded up 7 funny trail camera pictures to help you get through the day.
Shared by u/Dangerous-Goal371, who asked for caption submissions. Here is our stab at it:
“Hyping your boy up 13 beers deep at 2am after the family BBQ”
Posted by u/0k-Investment1722, who helped answer the age-old question: “Does a bear sh*t in the woods?” Unsurprisingly—yes!
Shared by u/Panzerotti69, who appropriately titled their post “He THICC!” Boy, he sure is.
Posted by u/Upoutdoors, titled: “WTH” Which is very appropriate and probably what this deer is thinking.
Shared by u/birshot101prooving even in a relaxed state, whitetail are some of God’s goofiest creations.
Posted by u/Substantial-ad-4007 titled “Excuse me.”
Shared by u/CashRb who asked, “Can someone explain what is happening here?”
The answer: “A doe-si-doe.”