
Set Up for Hunting Winter Squirrels

January 29, 2025

Doug Howlett

Doug Howlett

The winter weather has been a mess, and that will surely hamper hunting activity as temperatures hover below freezing. But with deer season over, waterfowling winding down, football basically over and not much else to do around the house but sit by a fire and stare at Yellowstone reruns, you can still get outside an find some fun hunting winter squirrels on those days the sun comes out and the temperatures cruise back up into the 40s. And when they climb to the 50s, look out, those gray tree rats are going to definitely be on the move. The creatures are plentiful virtually everywhere and for many of us, squirrels were the game by which we were first brought into the hunting fold.  

Hunting Winter Squirrels: Have a Plan of Attack 

One of the best ways to fill a brace of squirrels is to find a good spot, set up, sit quietly and wait for squirrels to move. But don’t just walk into the woods and sit down wherever there’s a tree big enough to lean against. Think your approach out; focus on a squirrel’s favorite thing at this time of year—food.  

In early fall, squirrels were focusing on beechnuts and absent those, acorns. The beechnuts are likely gone by now, eaten by everything, but remnant acorns are still going to attract bushytails. Find a nice oak flat or large, mature white oak that dropped plenty of fat nuts earlier in the fall. Squirrels will dig in the leaves and probably be nested nearby.  In late winter, field edges where waste grains or old peanuts and beans can be found will attract squirrels into the open throughout the early morning and afternoon. 

The Next Steps

After finding a few good food sources, check the trees above for squirrel nests or large hardwood trees with hollows in them or large cracks that can serve as denning sites. Rock the camo and set up at the base of a tree to break up your silhouette. These aren’t the same squirrels in your neighborhood. They will bolt and bark at anything that doesn’t look right. Sit still and wait for them to start moving about. 

You want a tack driving .22 LR for this, though .22 Win. Mag., .22 Short and .17 HMR, are all viable squirrel caliber options. But the .22 LR is by far the most used caliber among experienced small game hunters. Use your knees or a tree to steady your shot and go for the head. After dropping a squirrel or two, you can sit tight for about 15 to 20 minutes before the little critters begin stirring again, or you can slip off to one of those other hot spots you identified and get to work. 

The Float Plan for Winter Squirrels

With the most mature hardwoods relegated to the banks of small rivers and streams in many areas, particularly where logging is prevalent, floating a stream is a perfect way to access what may be some of the best squirrel woods around. For two hunters, a Jon boat is ideal with one guy slowly paddling, the other sitting point.


For the solo hunter, I prefer a sit-on-top kayak for its stability, maneuverability in skinny water and ease of access to a long gun that it provides. A sit-inside kayak can make carrying and getting to your gun for a shot tricky. Use a shotgun here as most shots will be quick and often at squirrels on the run or high in the limbs of trees. You are also less likely to have a sturdy rest when in a boat or kayak. 

Stay Vigilant

Float along silently and slowly keep your eyes peeled for squirrels along the banks or in the trees that line the water. Where there is a current, let it carry you. You’ll often slip right up on a squirrel before it sees you, so be ready. Small rivers and creeks no wider than 30 or 40 yards are ideal, but if in bigger water keep the vessel within 15 to 20 yards of the bank where possible. This method of hunting allows you to cover a lot of ground with ease.  

A morning or afternoon squirrel hunting is a great way to enjoy a mild winter day and when you score on a few of the critters, when cooked right, they make for a delicious hearty meal. 

Read more about winter squirrels and other animals on iSportsmanUSA.


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