Glacier Basin Colorado: Exploring the Rocky Mountains
March 10, 2025 •Connor Merritt
Virginia spring turkey season occurs statewide from April 12 through May 17. If you’re gearing up to tag a gobbler, we have all the important info for prep. All of the iSportsman managed locations in Virginia offer spring turkey hunting opportunities, and recreating at these locations is easy.
Dates: April 12- May 17
Time: One-half hour before sunrise until noon each day.
Season Limit: One bearded turkey per day. Season limit capped by Virginia annual turkey tags (3).
You can access the Ft. Barfoot iSportsman portal online here. Please note that purchasing a turkey permit does not automatically grant you base access. For additional information on hunting at Ft. Barfoot please schedule an appointment with a Fish and Wildlife staff member by calling 434-292-2618
Dates: April 12-May 17
Time: One-half hour before sunrise until noon each day.
Season limit: Two bearded turkey only, all seasons (Fall and Spring) combined.
Its important to note that like Ft. Barfoot, a turkey permit does not automatically grant you base access. In fact, that can be said for all of the entries on this list. In addition, Ft. Walker does not allow hunting on Sundays. You can access the Ft. Walker iSportsman portal online here.
Dates: April 12-May 17
Time: One-half hour before sunrise until noon each day.
Season limit: Two bearded turkey only, all seasons (Fall and Spring) combined
You can access the Ft. Gregg-Adams iSportsman portal here.
Dates: April 12- May 17
Time: One-half hour before sunrise until noon each day.
Season Limit: Capped by Virginia annual turkey tags (3), a maximum of two may be taken per season.
Before purchasing a spring turkey permit at Quantico, check to make sure you can gain access to the base. Quantico requires either a CAC (common access card), TESLIN (Dependent, Retiree, IRR Reservist), or Federal PIV Card (TWIC, FBI, DEA, DHS) to participate in activities on base. However, individuals who don’t meet the listed requirements may apply for a DBIDS card (defense biometric identification system). DBIDS cards are issued by Quantico to those without other approved credentials, the vetting and approval process is carried out by the Provost Marshal Office, and you can find the instructions for applying here.
You can access the Quantico iSportsman portal online by following this link.
Dates: April 12- May 17
Time: One-half hour before sunrise until noon each day.
Season Limits: One bearded turkey. Two hunting days per season (see below.)
On JBLE, spring turkey season is a lottery only hunt. Lottery tickets go on sale during the month of March each year and the winners are drawn 1-2 weeks prior to the opening of the season. A winning lottery ticket grants two hunting days (one-half hour before sunrise until noon) and assigns you a hunting area. When applying for the lottery, you can choose to spend each of your mornings in the same location or at two different locations depending on availability. Once you harvest your one turkey, your season is over. You can access the JBLE iSportsman portal here. And to receive reminders about the JBLE lottery entry dates sign up for our newsletter.