Wisconsin Bear Hunting Licenses to Increase in 2025
February 9, 2025 •Connor Merritt
The most important aspect of hunting is the history and tradition that it carries through the generations. To continue this time-honored tradition, we’ve rounded up the iSportsman youth deer hunts available this season.
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Nashville District announces that its time for hunters between the ages of 10 and 16 to apply for the 11th Annual Defeated Creek Youth Deer Management Hunt at Cordell Hull Lake. This is a photo of youth hunters that participated Dec. 4, 2021, at Defeated, Tennessee. (USACE Photo)
Avid young hunters will have the opportunity to get a head start at Cavazos’s general deer season. Starting at 12:00 on Oct. 27, 2023, reservations can be made for your young deer enthusiasts, and adults can be included by acquiring a Guest (Guest Observer) permit. More details on Fort Cavazos’s youth deer hunt can be found on their iSportsman portal. Click here to visit the Fort Cavazos iSportsman portal.
Young Kentucky outdoor enthusiasts can visit Fort Knox Oct. 28 & Oct. 29 to try their luck tagging a deer of either sex by firearm. An additional youth deer hunt will be available in December for those who like to plan ahead. Fort Knox offers crisp autumns and winters nestled against the Ohio River. You can find more details on Fort Knox’s youth deer hunt on their iSportsman portal. Click here to visit the Fort Knox iSportsman portal.
Twenty antlered deer hunt permit tags will be available through the Fort Huachuca iSportsman portal, allowing a select group of youth hunters to embark on the challenging desert landscape Huachuca offers. Arizona defines youth hunters as a person less than 18 years old, hunters 16 years old or younger must be accompanied by a licensed adult. More details on Fort Huachuca’s youth deer hunt can be found on their iSportsman portal. Click here to visit the Fort Huachuca iSportsman portal.
While young hunters reaching the limits of their youth class may be content with a traditional outing, there are some things to keep in mind for a little one’s first time out in the field: