Uncharted Supply Company: Everything You Need to Know
January 10, 2025 •Connor Merritt
Whether you’re upgrading your own gear or thinking ahead for fathers day (psst…June 16th), Duluth Pack has you covered with American-made outdoor gear and accessories. Duluth Pack is proudly the oldest canvas and leather bag manufacturer in the USA, offering premium equipment with lifetime guarantees. We rounded up our top three picks that you can snag for spring turkey or deer season 2024.
This versatile outdoor pack from Duluth Pack is great for hunting, hiking, and camping. Made for and tested by hunters, the Mossy Oak Bottomland Quite Rambler has a 32 liter + pocket capacity making it great for hauling gear, game, or other outdoor supplies.
This pack comes with quiet plastic buckles and easily navigable nylon straps for quick access and removal. Pockets include a zippered pocket on the front of the pack and underneath the pack flap along with two buckled side pockets. With an MSRP of $370 you can get your today from Duluth Pack.
With spring turkey archery season readily upon us, you may be thinking of upgrading your bow carryout kit. The Duluth Pack Quiet Mountain Bow Pack ensures maximum stealth with no metal hardware, in addition to straps and pockets designed to easily carry your archery equipment.
Get a customized fit from this pack with the removable waist belt, padded leather and canvas shoulder straps, and two adjustable sternum straps. With a carrying capacity of 59 liters, the Duluth Quiet Mountain Bow Pack is perfect for any hunting season haul out. Also available in Mossy Oak camo, you can purchase yours from Duluth Packs for $625.00.
While looking fairly similar to your traditional turkey pack, the Duluth All Day Lumbar Pack offers even more versatility for those who dedicate their lives to being outdoors. Designed for optimal weight distribution, the All Day Lumbar Pack has removable shoulder straps and a waist belt for individualized comfort and use.
The waterproof bottom lining makes it a great pack for hiking or camping where it may be set in grass or dirt, as well as a choice harvest haul-out bag. The adjustable side pockets can be used to carry water, or other small supplies such as dog training materials, turkey calls, and ammo. With a 12 liter carrying capacity and 11 available colors to choose from, you can pick up your lifetime pack for $315.00.