Uncharted Supply Company: Everything You Need to Know
January 10, 2025 •Connor Merritt
Outdoor and hunting gear is often optimized for different terrain, seasons, and strategies. Kryptek has an end-of-summer sale that includes items for any occasion: layering systems, shooting accessories, multi-terrain blending, and temperature shift duration. Check out these sweet deals and find out more about when they’d come in handy.
The Lykos II jacket is designed to provide warmth and down equal to 800 fill-power. This down-alternative jacket gives its wearer the added advantage of quick-drying performance in wet environments. The synthetic insulation dies faster, doesn’t clump down, and keeps you warm. Available in black for casual everyday wear, and Highlander, Obskura Transitional, Obskura Nox, Obskura Skyfall, Altitude, and Flyaway for any camouflage situation regardless of your terrain. The Lykos II is currently on sale for $137.99 (regular $229.99) so it’s a great time to invest in a new winter coat!
If you live in one of the year-round warmer climates, then a decent hot weather hunting hoodie is a safe staple to have. The Sonora hoodie features Cool Touch technology for moisture evaporation, and it is designed to shield against UV. With a three-panel hood, thumb holes, and a hidden zippered chest pocket, this hoodie can protect you in swampy, buggy, or sandy environments while still providing a full range of motion. Available in Kryptek’s Obskura Transitional, Altitude, Highlander, and Obskura Skyfall this hoodie is versatile enough to withstand all environments. Grab your Sonora hot weather hoodie for $59.99 (regular $99.99) while supplies last.
Layering guru’s will tell you that you’re only as good as your bottom layer, but your middle layer is equally as important. Crated to fit under a soft-shell or worn solo, the Arma Lite ½ zip features grid-fleece technology that allows seamless airflow through the fabric during high-intensity movements. With a tricot-brush back that allows for exceptional insulation during long periods of stillness. Available in Altitude, Highlander, Obskura Transitional, Obskura Skyfall, and Flyway—this mid-layer is great for mountains, woods, brush, or fields. The Arma Lite ½ zip is on sale now for $71.99 (regular $119.99).
The Tora glove comes in the Kryptek Altitude camo pattern, with an 100% oil tac leather padded palm more movement, grip, and shooting stability. Crafted with premium Schoeller textiles that allow for exceptional wind and water resistance, fast drying technology, and breathable wear. The Tora glove is currently on sale for $41.99 (regular $69.99) and you can find it by following this link.